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Women's section: North Middlesex CC  x  Primrose Hill CC

Women's section: North Middlesex CC x Primrose Hill CC

Nick Friend17 Apr - 14:44
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A new way forward for our girls' and women's sides...

We are very pleased to announce that we have agreed a pathway into women's league cricket for our girls' section from under-14 upwards.

We have reached an agreement with Primrose Hill Cricket Club to pool our resources and enter a joint team into the Middlesex Women's Cricket League.

Each club will provide a captain for half the season; ours will be Gayatri Gole.

Each club will provide coaching resources, training facilities and a playing field for two matches.

In the first year the team will enter the league in the name of Primrose Hill CC, as they have an existing registration. In the second year, the entry will be in the name of North Middlesex CC.

Further reading